
Small Business Freedoms Are Worth Celebrating

In this month of July, it is worth thinking about our freedoms and what they mean to us. One context for this was discussed in a recent blog post we found on CorpNet. The post talks about how freedoms are manifested in our small businesses – and how we can celebrate them. A key excerpt…

Why School Newsletters Still Matter

Research shows that students do better when consistent, open communication exists between schools and parents. A myriad of methods and tools are available to schools to communicate with parents such as parent-teacher conferences, websites, email, phone calls, social media, flyers, and the monthly school newsletter. The school newsletter has been around for a long, long…

Three Ways Our Newsletters Create Value For Your Company

Communication is great for companies, and newsletters are time-tested communication tools. For small businesses, email newsletters can be the primary way to reach customers, brand a product, and offer company news. Even the world’s biggest companies frequently rely on email newsletters to announce promotions, announce a service, and build a bigger subscription database. Successful successful…

In a Competitive Landscape, Newsletters Are The Best Kept Secret

The School Communications Agency works with many excellent sponsors who help us fund Colorado school initiatives. We value this relationship very much. Sponsorship is an important investment, and we are proud to continue to offer a unique way to reach over 150,000 parents, multiple times per month through our digital newsletter program. As a channel…

Why It’s More Important Than Ever For Businesses and Schools To Work Together

National and local businesses are among the most untapped school resources. Which is really interesting, because schools are in the business of fostering talented thinkers, innovators, and workers. On the business end, fostering talent at home reduces operational costs. It also helps local companies brand themselves as positive community stakeholders. For schools, creating partnerships with…

Improved Open-Ended Communication Inspires Learning Communities

John Hunter is a fourth grade teacher, and he’s one of the best around. Watching his Ted Talk, I was in awe at how he expertly communicates with children. He truly believes that informed parents, engaged communities and better schools arise from high quality communication. If you haven’t watched it yet, it’s well worth your…

Positive Messages Lead To Positive Results When Advertising to Parents

Sponsors, are you ready for an alarming statistic? According to a recent report conducted by Common Sense Media, kids aged 2-11 are exposed to over 25,000 ads per year. That’s almost 2,100 ads per month. Put another way, that’s an incredible 15 ads per hour. So yes, we truly live in advertising age. While it’s…

TSCA lets you grab a slice of a huge pie

Recently, I overheard a conversation by a group of parents enjoying the day in one of our local dog parks. They were talking about trying to find a fidget spinner at a nearby store. Fidget spinners, if you haven’t heard, have been all the rage this year in classes across the world. As I listened to…

Businesses Can Help Raise Colorado Graduation Rates

Colorado is one of the most desirable states to live and work, but there is ground to make up if it wants to be a leader in education as well. According to a recently published report from the educational alliance, Building A Grad Nation, Colorado is 43rd in the nation in graduation rates. The graduation…