
Three Ways Our Newsletters Create Value For Your Company

Communication is great for companies, and newsletters are time-tested communication tools. For small businesses, email newsletters can be the primary way to reach customers, brand a product, and offer company news. Even the world’s biggest companies frequently rely on email newsletters to announce promotions, announce a service, and build a bigger subscription database.

Successful successful newsletter campaigns all do something right out of Marketing 101 textbooks: market to customers without making customers feel like they are being marketed to. One of my favorite marketing emails comes from Dollar Shave Club. Why? I love their product, so that helps. And, their newsletters make me laugh. I appreciate humor during a busy day of emails. I also know it takes a lot of time to produce content that is original, thoughtful, and isnt’ preachy.

Lots of companies need results now. So, they make the mistake of being too “salesy” in email after email. This is an almost guaranteed unsubscribe. A good salesmen should never have to do any hard selling; the product should speak for itself. And so it is for newsletters.

Which makes the model used by the School Communications Agency a really strong one. Our digital newsletters indeed help drive communication – and our designers take great pride in crafting content that is highly readable and clickable. And because we have found an audience that is impacted on a very real level by the information we provide, we can have open rates almost three times higher than the industry average.

What does this mean for a sponsor? It means three important things.

  1. It means sponsoring content in our newsletter doesn’t turn away the reader since they are there for school news. They are being marketed to without feeling like they are being marketed to.
  2. It also means that your product gets delivered to a highly localized audience, so impression rates are vastly improved over bulk marketing approaches. Our newsletters contain information that is meaningful.
  3. And it means that The School Communications Agency is doing the digital marketing for you. We are your helping hand in branding your product. The more schools you reach, the bigger your brand’s possibilities. A digital marketer can easily be paid in the six figures for content creation and market exposure. We can give you hundreds of thousands of impressions at fractions of that cost.

With that approach, we can all be partners in growing your company’s value.