
Positive Messages Lead To Positive Results When Advertising to Parents

Sponsors, are you ready for an alarming statistic?
According to a recent report conducted by Common Sense Media, kids aged 2-11 are exposed to over 25,000 ads per year. That’s almost 2,100 ads per month. Put another way, that’s an incredible 15 ads per hour. So yes, we truly live in advertising age. While it’s true that ads are coming in fast and furious over traditional airwaves, more than ever kids are being exposed to clickbait-style media. Advertisers know this, and are good at targeting digital natives, perhaps too good.
There is no doubt that student-aged consumers are a huge target audience, and no one in the business of creating profit would be wise to ignore that fact. For years, there have entire marketing campaigns focused around this demographic. But, only fairly recently has research been squarely focused on product placement and the impact it’s having on kids, raising questions about the types of products kids are being exposed. Questions increasingly ponder whether or not kids should be burdened with purchasing decisions in the first place. As one study put it, a lot of times kids don’t have the mental capacity to differentiate between what is part of a TV program and what part of it is the ad. The same study pointed out that about 14 percent of all commercials they sampled had an overtly negative message.  That sounds small, but out of 25,000 ads, that would be 3,500 ads featuring negative content per year.
So, is there a viable alternative? The School Communications Agency believe there is. Advertising a positive message produces better results in the long run – for kids, for schools, for consumers, and ultimately, for sponsors. TSCA ads are ALL family friendly, tailoring needs that kids and parents genuinely want to attend to.
Take this list of Forbes’ best advertising campaigns of all time.  These ads have the same underlying ingredient – they are all extremely positive.
As you know, very soon “Back To School” drives will begin. Stores will be flooded with them, vying for your dollars. TSCA sees this as a chance for sponsors to hit a positive message out of the park. Why would you want to display your positive message with us?
Last year, the National Retail Foundation reported that families with children in grades K-12 planned to spend over 20 billion dollars on back-to-school supplies, and it’s trending up almost every year. Sponsors, what a great opportunity to send a message to potential consumers, while helping schools at the same time. Kids and families have so many needs, and a positive message is front and center among them.