
Wear Your Work: Dirty Jobs Teach Lessons

We have a guest post on our blog today from Roxanne Turner.  Roxanne is a Board Certified Life Coach with extensive training in ADHD and executive functioning, focusing on the process of getting things done.   I spent a big portion of my life working in barns and doing manual labor. I always marveled at…

Responding to Demands: Wanting A Widget V4

We have a guest post on our blog today from Roxanne Turner.  Roxanne is a Board Certified Life Coach with extensive training in ADHD and executive functioning, focusing on the process of getting things done.   My nine-year old stepson declared some years ago, “I want a beyblade!” I wasn’t too inclined to comply with…

8 New Rules For The 2017/18 School Year

School is back in full swing. With that comes a whole host of new engagement ideas. Some of the hottest trends right now are flipped classroom, backwards by design, and ideas centered around community engagement. Whatever your preferred method may be, there is no doubt that the face of education is changing as fast as innovation itself. (Do…

11 NFL Lesson Ideas To Use This Season

Are you ready for some football? The NFL season kicks off this weekend. It should be fun! With the Broncos being so popular, it’s hard to think of a school in Colorado that won’t have at least a few hundred students wearing the orange and blue on Fridays. Let’s hope they can have a good…

Hide The Homework, and Other Great Tips for Getting Homework Done

We have a guest post on our blog today from Roxanne Turner.  Roxanne is a Board Certified Life Coach with extensive training in ADHD and executive functioning, focusing on the process of getting things done.   Conventional wisdom has us believe that homework needs to be done at a desk in a quiet room in…

28 Great Game Of Thrones Quotes To Engage Your Class

Fall might be in the air, but winter is coming. You know it, your friends know it, and there’s a good chance your students know it. With all the buzz about the hit HBO show, why not take the opportunity to infuse some great references in class? Really, there’s nothing more fun than making pop culture…

10 Effective Communication Tips For Teachers, Parents, and Students

The beginning of a school year is an exciting time, with a ton of activity. In addition to building goals, it’s also super important for setting clear, crisp communication guidelines. Purposeful communication makes the beginning of the school year so much easier for everyone involved. A smooth beginning might not guarantee perfection, but you can…

8 Common Mistakes Students Make When Setting Goals, And Ways To Improve Them

It’s baaaaaaack. School, that is. There’s going to be a few moans about that, but honestly, how great is it to get back with your friends, your favorite teachers, and a solid, successful routine. And with classrooms opening already around Colorado, now’s a great time to start helping improve your child’s education through realistic goal-setting. When…


Teaching is the art of making students believe in themselves. Motivating students to believe is often at the heart of a student’s success. Show me a student who believes in themselves, and I will show you a student who is in charge of their learning. Ultimately, when a student believes in themselves and finds success,…

Improved Open-Ended Communication Inspires Learning Communities

John Hunter is a fourth grade teacher, and he’s one of the best around. Watching his Ted Talk, I was in awe at how he expertly communicates with children. He truly believes that informed parents, engaged communities and better schools arise from high quality communication. If you haven’t watched it yet, it’s well worth your…