
Hide The Homework, and Other Great Tips for Getting Homework Done

We have a guest post on our blog today from Roxanne Turner.  Roxanne is a Board Certified Life Coach with extensive training in ADHD and executive functioning, focusing on the process of getting things done.   Conventional wisdom has us believe that homework needs to be done at a desk in a quiet room in…

10 Effective Communication Tips For Teachers, Parents, and Students

The beginning of a school year is an exciting time, with a ton of activity. In addition to building goals, it’s also super important for setting clear, crisp communication guidelines. Purposeful communication makes the beginning of the school year so much easier for everyone involved. A smooth beginning might not guarantee perfection, but you can…

The Importance of Parenting

In a recent article in the publication ExchangeEveryDay, which writes about early childhood concepts and ideas, they wrote about the importance of parenting. Below is a reprint of that article. We at the School Communications Agency thought you’d like it so we are re-posting it here: “Having had a difficult relationship with one’s parents is…