
10 Education Quotes Powerfully Relevant Today

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. Nelson Mandela An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. Benjamin Franklin Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school. Albert Einstein Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who…

Businesses and Schools Can Work Together to Create Better Schools (and make each other money!)

In a recent article in Education World titled: School-Business Partnerships That Work: they discuss how businesses can partner with schools to help both the school and the businesses succeed. Below is an extract of the article. The full article can be read at: Schools and businesses are working together to benefit students, teachers, and…

School-To-Parent Communication And Student Outcomes

Read The Full Paper Here The results of stronger school-to-parent communication show significant improvements and betterment of childhood outcomes. Research supports the premise that school-to-parent communication leads to higher parent involvement, promotes better social skills, decreases student behavioral issues, and improves student achievement. By bridging the communication gap between schools and parents, vast improvements in…

3 Steps To Improve Community Engagement

Are you or your business interested in: Working collaboratively with local people? Bringing about a stronger and healthier community? Building a great brand image? Then Community Engagement is for you!   3 Easy Ways to Boost Community Engagement Create a dialogue through social media With social media today, it is incredibly easy to create a…

Social and Emotional Intelligence Based Education

In a recent posting on the website, they mention that “According to the World Economic Forum’s 2016 report titled New Vision for Education: Fostering Social and Emotional Learning Through Technology, “To thrive in the 21st century, students need more than traditional academic learning. They must be adept at collaboration, communication, and problem solving, which…

Raising Money for Our Schools More Important Than Ever Before

Many citizens have heard about recent budget cuts to school funding, however some may not know the effects that these cuts are actually causing. One effect that has caused much uproar is large classroom sizes. Less funding has led to less teachers in the building. The average class size ten years ago was resting at…

Best Way for PTA’s to Raise Funds

Many schools are supported by local businesses to help with fundraising. We’ve all seen many elementary kids running around with logo’s of local dentists, food chains, and doctors’ offices on the back of their shirt. We also often see fundraisers held at restaurants that donate a proportion of money to the school. This is a…