Did we raise enough money? What’s our next fundraiser? Will this be successful? These are questions that PTO and PTA members ask themselves year after year. There has been a constant struggle of generating new ideas on how to fundraise. We all remember as a kid knocking on your neighbor’s door begging them to buy a coupon book from you. As a kid you never thought much of it. However, as a parent, we now understand that this form of “fundraising” just becomes a cycle of money through the neighborhood. Many schools have become so frustrated they now just plead for donations.
It is crazy to think over the past several years the only new and effective idea that has arose for fundraising is silent auctions or restaurant fundraisers. It has been calculated that in the school year of 2014 the average spending that elementary schools in America spend per pupil was $10,615. This number seems like a significant amount however when looking at The District of Columbia, which has the highest funding average of $18,667, the national average looks pathetic.
Looking further into statistics we can see that the District of Columbia has an 81.2% high school graduation rate. In this statistic to the we see that a higher funded state correlates to a higher graduation rate. A significant amount of DC’s funds has come from government funding, however, they also take that extra step to put school funds first. If the tactics and efforts of fundraising that were used in the District of Columbia was used nation wide, our education standards could sky rocket. The next question is how?
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